Shecky's House of Linguistics


Choose one each from the following sections. Then, at the end of the form, click on the Magic Shecky's House of Linguistics Translate Button. Read with an outrageous French accent like those knights in Monty Python and the Holy Grail... and, mes oui! You'll be speaking French in no time.

Do you want Do we really have Do you know how
Is it be possible Will I manage

to sleep with to find to eat to buy
to show me to look like to stand to get in

Gerard Depardieu perfume a pair of frog legs
good cheese the Eiffel Tower
a genuine Parisian my wife my pants

in your wildest dreams? to cover the smell? while drinking red wine? without speaking French? right after breakfast? without being too arrogant? when my mother-in-law is around? after eating 300 croissants? ? (nothing)

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Let's Wassail!

Free Chuckles In Here-- 25¢

Wassail with Shecky!!

Shecky's House of Eats

Xmas Xcess

Shecky's Christmas Singalong

Serving suggestions in Shecky's House of Prayer.

And, Introducing Jesus Christ-- the reason for the season!

Swarm By Shecky's Main House.

Serving Suggestion

Shecky's House of Prayer

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It's all Zoot's fault. She left this JavaScript on the Server which was, indeed, Grail- shaped.
First the spankings...