Welcome to Shecky's House of Eats

Hello, weary travelers! I'm sure you've been surfing all night (or day) and you're looking for some place where the Java is made from fresh-ground beans and not an abused set of programming codes... the SPAM you seek doesn't clog your inbox (your arteries, perhaps)... and the back-ups you want to perform involve going back up to the fridge to download a snack! Well, I won't be able to send the food over the server (it really messes up the drives), but here's some ideas to fill the empty spaces...

Our own Big Al, trying to land a monkfish

Our staff works day and night to
bring you the finest delicacies (or old boots)

Not worried over cholesterol?  You'd better not be, at Shecky's House of Eats!

"I can cook anything when the recipe is on the box!"


We have your health in mind!
  *NEW!* "Shecky's Total Food Groups"...
now it can be told!




I'm not that hungry.  Take me back to Shecky's House!

You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.  Unfortunately, you're at Shecky's House of Eats.  Here are links to really good food sources.

I like your cooking, Shecky. What else you got?

Let's Wassail!!

Free Chuckles In Here-- 25¢

Here We Come A-Wassailing!!

Shecky's House of Eats

Shecky's House of Laughs

Shecky's House of Noise

Quality graphics, special formatting... shouldn't you be out catching stingrays with your feet or something?

And, Introducing Jesus Christ-- the reason for the season!

Never too early for this tale...

Shecky's House of Vision

Shecky's House of Prayer

Shecky's Reading Room