The Top Ten

Ecclesiastical Near Misses

  1. Taking time to prey

  2. Waiting for the Rupture
  3. Serving as an alcove light
  4. Changing the pair of mints
  5. Being a sextant
  6. Matthew, Mark, Luke and Johnny
    Or Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Neil
  7. Pops John Paul II
  8. Safe sects
  9. John 6:13
  10. Jesus is Bored

Shecky's House would like to extend special thanks to Reverend Doctor Sky Pilot For this contibution!





This has gone far enough!  I want to go back to Shecky's House!

May I go back where I came from?

I'm brave, Shecky, and I want to go on.

Holy Hyperlinks, Shecky! I want to go back to your Chapel!

Let's Wassail!

Free Chuckles In Here-- 25¢

Here We Come, A-Wassailing!!

Shecky's House of Eats

Shecky's House of Laughs

Shecky's House of Noise

Quality graphics, special formatting... shouldn't you be out raking leaves or something?

And, Introducing Jesus Christ-- the reason for the season!

Never too early for this tale...

Shecky's House of Vision

Shecky's House of Prayer

Shecky's Reading Room